Harry Potter Book Night 2020
On Thursday 7th February 2020, Harry Potter fans all around the world came together to celebrate the sixth annual Harry Potter Book Night, with events, activities and movie screenings held in bookshops and libraries.
This year’s theme was Triwizard Tournament, with witches, wizards and muggles alike taking part in a series of challenges, just like the ones set for Harry in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

These challenges are still underway if you want to take part! Participants have 48 hours to:
Task 1 – Find Dragon Eggs and more in the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite app.
Task 2 – Take the Bloomsbury Underwater Challenge quiz to test your Potter knowledge!
Task 3 – How well do you actually know the third task? And can you unlock the Secret Code?
Best of luck! For more information, head to www.harrypotterbooknight.com
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